You are kindly invited to participate in this Special Session of the ICIES 2022 to enrich the different topics covered by your current research.
We invite submissions of full papers (6 – 8 pages, all-inclusive). Academics, industry practitioners, research scholars, and students are all invited to contribute original research papers (both empirical and conceptual) and case studies on any of the mentioned topics in the Call for Paper section. The given topics are just suggestive in nature. You may feel free to submit manuscripts on related topics in your area of specialization. Therefore, papers related to the conference theme are encouraged but this is not a requirement.
This year we will consider submissions of full papers and abstracts - the submission deadline is due to May 10th, 2022. During the submission process, we kindly ask authors to select one of the mentioned topics that best fits their submission. These topics will be used in the review process and design of the conference program. We aim to group papers together on the basis of their topics, stage of development, and reviewer evaluation, and they may be accepted as traditional paper presentations or as poster presentations. During the submission process, participants are kindly asked to select which type of presentation they would prefer.
The submissions will be reviewed by at least 2 reviewers. The reviewers will be asked to provide short feedback on each submission they review. All papers submitted to ICIES will be checked for plagiarism including self-plagiarism. If a paper is found to fall in the category of plagiarism, the paper will be automatically rejected.
All submissions for research papers will be evaluated along with the following criteria:
The reviewers’ assessment of the submissions and their related ratings will be used as a basis for acceptance decisions. The reviewers read the paper several times. The first read is used to form an initial impression of the work. If major problems are found at this stage, the reviewer may feel comfortable rejecting the paper without further work. The review is then submitted with a recommendation to accept or reject it – or else with a request for revision before it is reconsidered. Participants will receive a decision about their manuscripts along with the reviewers' feedback within 10 Days (in most cases) from their submission.
The full papers that are accepted for presentation at the conference will be shared among the conference participants. In addition, a Book of Abstracts will be made published on the conference website.
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